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Lucie Loves... Food // Ever tried poutine? It’s a Canadian tradition

Last week I got invited to try a ‘Taste of Canada' otherwise known as a dish called poutine.

Here’s what I ate when I visited a fab little restaurant called Potato Merchant at Exmouth Market with the Canada Day London team, Katch London and new friends, Andrew, Becky and Merlin.

So what is poutine? It’s essentially a bowl of chips topped with cheese curds and gravy.

There’s something rather comforting about it. It reminds me of lunchtimes at high school, queuing up in the canteen with friends and piling our plates high with chips and gravy and then buying a little pot of cheese (cheddar in this case) to pour over the top. Not the most healthy lunch, I give you that, but it tasted damn good*.

*I am from Warrington, up north, so pies, chips and gravy - good stodgy food - is just how our Mum’s raise us. It did me no harm. Although I do now get irrational craving’s for pie. But everything in moderation, eh?

This was the first time I’d ever been to Exmouth Market, thank you Canada Day. I adore exploring new food haunts, especially in London, and it was the perfect opportunity for me to do so. Add to that some great conversation and make new friends.

If you fancy tasting poutine, or any other Canadian dishes, check out the Canada Day London website and check out their programme of events.

Canada Day London, on 1st July from 10:30am - 10:30pm - will be the 8th annual celebration of all things Canadian - people/food/traditions/sport - in London.There’s a lot planned so don’t miss out!

Hi Andrew, Becky and Merlin - check out their blogs too.



Photography copyright Lucie Kerley

Taken using my iPhone 5 - It was a last minute trip and I’d left my DSLR at home :-(