Lucie Loves | UK Lifestyle Blog

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Lucie Loves... Fashion & Blogging // Technicolour Dream Coat and a 2016 blog reevaluation  

It’s January, which means that it’s a colder than cold and (more often than not) greyer than grey time of year. I wanted to share a few photos from a very colourful street style shoot that I did with James Barley back in autumn. Apologies for not sharing this sooner. It’s been a mad few months!

This morning I spent a bit of time – cup of coffee in one hand, and a slice of peanut butter on toast with banana on top in the other – looking back over the Lucie Loves content that I created for my blog in 2015.

It tallied up to a whopping 51 posts! Jeez! That’s almost one a week for the whole year. No wonder I was exhausted by the time Christmas came around. Juggling a full-time job, a life and a blog up until September 2015, has meant that I’ve always been a bit of a sporadic poster. A binge blogger. Sorry.

However, now that I’m working for myself, I have a bit more time to reflect on the type of content that I produce. I plan to have a bit of a re-think into how often I post and the variety of topics that I cover. 

But I need your help…

Fellow bloggers, how often are you currently posting on your blogs? What frequency do you find works best for you?

Lovely readers, how often do you or would you like to see new content from me? Would you be interested in watching me give YouTube a whirl – it would be quite a bit different to what I’ve got on there at the moment? Is there anything you would like to see more of? Do you have a favourite style of post? Is there a topic that I haven’t yet covered that you would like me to explore?

Drop me a comment below and let me know what you think.

At the moment I probably share more on my Instagram andTwitter than I do on my blog, however, I reckon I average between 3-6 blog posts a month. As for Facebook, I’m on there too, but not too great at posting regularly. If you aren’t yet following me on any of my other social channels, please do (you can find the links at the top of my blog.) I’d love to “meet” you and have a lively Instagram or Twitter discussion about the posts you love.

Collaborate with me

If any of you are looking to work with a photographer, blogger or social media whizz, please get in touch. I’m always keen to discuss new creative opportunities.

What I wore…

Introducing a few of my Young British Designers fashion faves Dear Frances, GVYN and Renli Su.

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Floral jacquard woven silk long coat by Renli Su

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Luca camel leather tote bag by GVYN

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Fly black ankle boot by Dear Frances

Want to see what’s New In at Young British Designers - check out the online store now at

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